Tuesday, December 20, 2011

one love-- my baby

ugh. I just wrote this BRILLIANT piece (I am calling it such because you will never know the difference) introducing this blog.

But then complications ensued, the waters ran and Noah built an ark... so here we are today, folks.


I might be in Korea.
If I go I want to blog.
Don't roll your eyes.

Mainly I want to be able to document my experience there. When I went to France, I decided to limit the amount of pictures I took, and I wish I hadn't-- because while I wasn't hindered, I wish I remembered more-- and if I had taken pictures I probably would have.

I'll edit this later, ne t'inquiete pas.

I also think writing with the intention of sharing will help me to feel less lonely-- will give me a purpose.

So that is the long and long of it.

The name of the blog-- One in Korea-- is my attempt at a play on words... My name, Hannah, sounds like the Korean word for "One". Ha, ha. See what I did there?

anyway, going to bed before I write anything more that is stupid.

night night, folks.
